[George Washington Statue in Union Square.]
[Statue of George Washington in Union Square,]
[Union Square, with George Washington Statue.]
[Union Square with George Washington Statue.]
[George Washington bronze equestrian statue in Union Square.]
Union Square Sausage Makers Exhibit [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
[George Washington statue.]
Military Parade, 15th Street and Union Square. The Ancients & Honorable of Boston [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
[Union Square, George Washington Statue in foreground.]
[Man posing in Union Square.]
Tuesday April 30th 1889. The 23rd Regiment, Brooklyn turning the corner of 15th Street and Union Square in Military Parade [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
[Statue of George Washington in Union Square Park.]
[George Washington.]
North side Union Square - Detachment from various Army Stations at Western Forts; Navy Artillery [Washington's Centennial Parades.]
Washington Monument, Union Square, N. Y. City.
Union Square.